Vancouver Water Adventures
Vancouver Water Adventures is family operated, established in 2009. Owner/Operator, Clayton Watson shared some insights on guiding, taking the leap to starting your own business and…
As the 3rd zip line company in North America and the first to offer guided canopy tours, there was no script for how to offer zip line adventure tours. With no real model to help structure operations, these entrepreneurs stepped into the unknown to offer something new. It has paid off, from 2012 – 2019, Adrena LINE Zipline Adventure Tours has received the Trip Advisor Certificate of Excellence. For 15 years they have offered consistent incredible canopy experiences not only to visitors but also for their employees.
“Our vision for this company was really born out of wanting to share and preserve the natural beauty of an amazing piece of the rainforest and its wealth of insight into the history of the area.” – Jeremy Wilson, Adrena LINE Director
“We also like a good adventure, especially one that educates people on our local environment. The adventure we have created here will definitely leave an impression on those who dare to take a zip.” – Scott McQueen, Adrena LINE Director
Scott McQueen is the Director of Adrena LINE Zipline Adventure Tours. He gave us some insights on what it takes to be a great guide in the treetops.
“Guides are ultimately 4 things: educators, entertainers, coaches and leaders. Great guides are knowledgeable, professional and have a high regard for safety.
The goal is to have a fun time while creating a meaningful memory. Our guides are also coaches and can lead people through an experience that helps them step out of their comfort zone, build self- confidence and overcome challenges. It is ultimately a craft and a lifestyle.
The best guides buy into the philosophy and become part of the team. In turn, they support the team, there is always something to do and everyone pitches in to get the job done. They are reliable, punctual, focused and abide by our code of ethics.
At Adrena LINE we focus a lot of our in house training on technical skills as well as our philosophy on guiding and our approach to people.”
One of the largest challenges for guides in the field is the seasonal nature of the work. Canada has a particularly short summer season which can leave guides with less stability than in other sectors. During the winter, many guides will have work in other activities such as snow sports or other countries. In many ways, it is a great schedule that provides flexibility, time and space to travel, develop skills and pursue personal adventure. However, it is not a career with a straightforward 9- 5 days and regular holidays.
“We have had some incredible employees come from the WAC program. They come as confident leaders with a great mental fortitude to deal with risk management.”
“One of our most memorable leaders, who started from the beginning, was Allison Lang. She worked up to operations manager and was one heck of an employee and an excellent guide. Avelynn Anderson was an excellent employee and team player. Codey Cudworth and Ryan Miller were also great guides.”
Check out Avelynn and Codey’s bio on our Alumni Page, to see where their adventures have taken them since.
“Our culture and code of ethics is about valuing and investing in people. We work to build guides up and give them space and tools to thrive. It is a great place to hone your leadership, risk assessment, group management and interpretation skills.
We provide a high level of technical training, including high angle rope rescue and radio communications. We also work with each guide to advance their training. For example, we often provide financial and logistical support for Class 4 Drivers license.
We invest a lot of time integrating our philosophy into each tour. We are stronger when we do it together, so at the core of our culture is teamwork. As a result, everyone chips in to accomplish all the behind the scenes tasks it takes to make a tour successful.”
Check out Adrena LINE Zipline Adventure Tours for your next walk in the treetops. Check here for job opportunities and new activities in the works.