Cedric Torres
We caught up with Cedric Torres who graduated WAC in 2019 to see where the program has taken him. Since graduating, Cedric has been a kayak…
Codey attended WAC in 2011-2012. Here’s what he had to say about his experience with our program.
WAC helped me on so many levels. Not only did it give me the skills to get into the industry and succeed at a high level but it gave me life skills and helped me become a better stronger person .
WAC changed my outlook on Adventure Tourism because it taught me so much of the behind the lens aspect of things. As a guest you don’t think of how dangerous the activity you are doing actually is and you think your guide has the easiest job in the world. However, they are thinking of a million different things on what could go wrong and how to keep a guest safe with out them even realizing it.
The most valuable lesson in my opinion, is how much they drive safety into you. They show you how important safety and it rubs off on you even when you are not working, in your own personal life. You think twice before going for a paddle or hike alone. You let someone know.
Yes almost everyday! Myself and 4 Alumni are actually doing the Juan De Fuca trail at the end of January!
If you are stuck in a rut in your life and need a serious life changing decision, go to Westcoast Adventure College. It will open your eyes up to so many new paths and change you as a person forever. It did for me. I wish it was a two year program so I could go back and keep on enjoying life the way I did last year.