HI - Heritage Interpretation


Krista Gooderham

Course Description

The art of interpretation goes beyond providing facts and information to your guests. It is the skill of creating a connection, a sense of place and a new lens in which your clients can explore the natural world.

During the Heritage Interpretation course we will cover the coastal and forest ecology of British Columbia and learn key principles in effective and engaging nature and cultural interpretation. Topics will range from sea to sky, including but not limited to marine mammals, marine invertebrates, coastal plants, trees, mushrooms and birds. Throughout our lectures and field trips you will gain experience and knowledge on the art of presentation and public speaking.


  • land stewardship
  • sustainable development
  • resources management
  • environmental planning
  • Natural heritage conservation and environmental ethics.

Learning Outcomes

Upon completing this course, students will be able to:

  • Understand the role of the interpreter and be able to create an experience for clients that connects the group to the environment they are exploring.
  • Understand and define the key concepts for effective and engaging nature interpretation.
  • Identify major components in different ecosystems (pelagic, coastal, intertidal and forest),
  • including key species (birds, mammals, trees etc).
  • Create a personal resource portfolio for a variety of field trip situations.
  • Develop short presentations on a variety of topics relevant to local areas (beach explorations, forest walks, coastal paddling).




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